Monday, February 28, 2011
The Cleaning Bug
For the past 2-3 months this has been totally unacceptable to me. I feel like if there is one or 2 things out of place then all chaos will break out. I have found that by getting rid of the clutter, my mind is more at peace. I feel more relaxed and not so tightly wound. I pick less fights with my husband and am less likely to emotionally erupt if my house is tidy.
On Friday I woke up with SO much energy which is super rare for me. I'm not sure if it's the extra iron pill or HUGE cutback on sweets (both recommended by my Dr. when I complained about serious exhaustion). Anyways....I woke up and went down stairs to notice that my house was in a complete state of disarray. Actually, it was pretty decent, however my brain freaked and I had to clean.
I walked around the whole house gathering things that were out of place and putting them away.
I deep cleaned all the bathrooms.
I deep cleaned the kitchen, including: bleaching the sinks (they're white and get REALLY stained and gross) I removed all the stove burner things and washed them by hand then put them in the dishwasher. I cleaned all the stainless steel.
I took up all the rugs in the house and washed them. MISTAKE! One green rug bled all over my white ones so I later ran to the store to replace the stained ones.
I vacuumed the floors and stairs. Polished the wood floors.
-----Side Note-----
We sold the bedroom set from the guest room. We then used the cash we got from that to buy a carpet steam cleaner!!!
I steam cleaned all the carpets down stairs. I was going to do the up stairs, but at that point I was too tired and scared to carry that huge thing up the stairs.
I dusted and polished all the wood furniture.
Then....THEN.....I took a shower, put on jammies, and basked in my clean house. It was so nice. So fresh. So spotlessly clean!
After a weekend of errands, having friends over, and other household projects and general laziness, my house is once again messy. The wood is still shiny and the carpets cleaned. But the clutter. THE CLUTTER.
Friday, February 18, 2011
25 Weeks
How far along: 25 weeks
Weight Gained: 4 pounds
Cravings: Sweets--Cookies, brownies, cake, sweet tea
Aversions: Nothing really. Still can't be around grocery store rotisserie chicken.
About Baby: Kicking stronger. She's most active in the morning and in the evenings before bed. She's very active after I eat, especially if I eat sweets. Jordan can feel her more and more and we can see her movement on my belly. It's so neat but equally creepy to think that there's a person in there moving around.
Doctor Says: Everything is looking good and measuring great!
What I Miss: Energy. And sleep. Because I'm not sleeping well I often feel run down during the day. I often have nightmares and wake up multiple times throughout the night. Last week I woke up around 4:15am one morning and 5:30am the other in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep. So I got up and started my day. I would pay high sums of money for 2 nights of sleep without waking up or having nightmares.
Jordan: I think I am overwhelming Jordan with things to do around the house. He works hard all week and I know he just wants one day on the weekend to relax. I have him painting, putting things together, installing shelves, etc. I try to leave him alone. There's just so much I feel that needs to be done. So much that I can't do on my own. So much I need his help with.
Things I'm Worried About: The nursery is almost done. It's still February. I'm going to have 2 showers in April. What am I going to do in March??? I'm not going to have the nursery to work on. I'm not going to have new gifts to put together or wash or find a home for. I'm scared for March. I have a feeling that the family room might get painted or the kitchen cabinets refinished.
I haven't taken my 25 week pictures yet so no belly photo. Instead here is a photo of my dogs.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Burning the Candle at Both Ends
This past week was full of frustrations for me.
When we took out the furniture of the guest room we had planned on selling all the pieces (bed, dresser, and night stand) on CraigsList. We registered for all new furniture for the nursery including crib, dresser/changing table combo, and tall 5 drawer dresser. The crib was mid-priced. The dresser and changing dresser were pricey.
In order to save some money we decided to take the tall dresser off the registry and paint our old tall dresser white, since that’s what the other nursery furniture was. I took apart the dresser, sanded it, primed it, and gave it 4 coats of white paint. When we went to put the crib together I noticed the whites didn’t match. The crib was called “Classic White” and was a little on the antique side. When placed next to the dresser the difference was very noticeable to me. So we had to go and get more swatches and match the whites. I repainted the chair rail. I took the dresser apart again, painted it, and now it won’t go back together. It’s a piece from Ikea so it’s not the best quality. I’m now waiting for Jordan to get home to fix it.
I’ve been lacking so much sleep that it’s been very hard for me to function. Sunday I woke up at 5:30am and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I got up and got to work around the house. Against my better judgment I decided to go to Ikea alone for a few things for the nursery. I needed curtains, curtain rods, and some closet storage items. It was rough getting through the store with my cart. The curtain rods were long and kept falling out. They stuck out of the cart and kept hitting things and people in the store. I knew I had too much for to handle alone but I didn’t want to come back.
The thing about Ikea is that you cannot take your cart to your car. I was struggling to get my things to my car and kept dropping the rods. The nicest Indian lady came up and offered her help. This is the 1st time that someone has offered help to my pregnant self. I was SO grateful for her help because I KNEW I couldn’t do it on my own.
Burning the candle at both ends. I'm physically and mentally drained.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I've also been thinking about things to put on the wall. I've got this frame from Ikea. I plan on putting ultrasound pictures in it from 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 17 weeks, 20 weeks and then a picture of her as a newborn.

Though we've gotten a lot done, there's still a long list of baby things to do:
- Figure out a closet system for the nursery
- Have maternity pictures taken
- Do a belly cast. Jordan is SO excited about this!
- Attend 2 baby showers: Jordan's family in Illinois and my family in Indiana.
- Wash all clothing items we get as gifts
- Put together all baby items we get as gifts
- Buy things we need but don't get for showers
- Make mobile for crib
- Install shelving on the nursery walls
- Celebrate our 3 year wedding anniversary
- Get a prenatal massage
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Home Improvements and Other Things
My dad replaced a faucet in the downstairs bathroom. It ended up taking him over 4 hours to do.
We installed a chair rail in the nursery. It looks nice and will look even better once we get the room painted.
When we moved into our house it was covered in wainscoting and excessive trim. We ripped a lot of it out because the owners did a bad job installing it. After we removed the wainscoting in the staircase we were left with gaps between the stairs and the wall. All we needed was to install quarter round and it would be fixed. However, we didn't have a nail gun or the saw needed to complete the task ourselves. My dad and Jordan were able to get it finished in a few hours. It looks SO much better. No longer will I feel embarrassed of my staircase!!!
We also celebrated my dad's birthday.
Jordan and I have been talking a lot about the upcoming baby and how we can prepare for it. I have more of a mindset of getting things ready around the house. He is more financially focused. I've been able to work around the house and fulfill my nesting instinct. In an effort to fulfill his craving to save money we've been able to make some cutbacks:
Cancel our premium cable: $40/month
Cancel our gym membership: $35/month
Payed off student loans: $55/month
Cancel un-needed option on our gas bill: $7/month
Total savings: $1,644/year!!!
Now, I'll admit that I have a bit of a shopping habit. I spend a mostly on craft things and things for the house. So, in effort to try and bank even more money before the baby, I'm proud to announce
1) Absolutely no money on crafts. I have to use what I have and finish projects I've started
2) No extras for the house. My trips to Home Goods will have to stop. The clearance "must haves" will have to stay on the shelves.
---Exception: I can buy things for the nursery
3) No new clothes!!!
---Exception: I can buy secondhand. I wonder if Goodwill has a maternity section...
4) I can only spend money on needed items: food, toiletries, dog food, etc.
This is really going to be a HUGE challenge for me. We'll see how I do. I'm interested in how our bank account will reflect my progress.