Summer is so full of parties and get togethers, bar-be-ques and vacations. Normally I use the winter time to relax and take it easy. It's cold out and I generally like to stay in and hibernate. In an effort to keep some form of sanity and not die of boredom this winter, I have joined so many activities that I find myself going a bit nutty.
We have swim lessons, breast feeding group, another mommy/baby meetup group, babies and books at the library. Those are constant every week. Add on top of that mom's nights out (meeting up with other moms for dinner and drunks or Bunko) and other random play dates and I'm keeping pretty busy. Grocery shopping, laundry, paying bills, cooking dinner every night, and keeping the house clean(ish) and my plate is getting very full.
But... I've been able to meet so many other great moms. It's nice to be able to vent, ask advice, and talk about poop, boogers, and sleep schedules with no judgment. We can show up with no makeup on, hair in ponytails, wearing spit-up perfume.
I thought I might get to relax a little bit before summer, but looks like our dance card is full until spring.
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