Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I've always wanted a garden. When we moved in our house there were 2 garden boxes in the back yard. They aren't huge, but not small either. The larger box is about 8x8 and the smaller box 7x3. Since I've never had a garden before, we chose to just keep these instead of making it bigger. My biggest fear was that we'd dig up 1/2 the yard, plant a garden, and nothing would grow. So I dug up all the grass, rented a tiller, bought some garden soil (since it was mostly clay) and went at it.
In the larger box we planted:
6 tomato plants (Celebrity, Roma, Beefsteak, Early Girl, and 2 cherry)
Green and yellow bell peppers
2 jalapenos
Pickling Cucumbers

In the smaller box we planted:
4 Basil
2 Thyme
2 Parsley
2 Cilantro
4 Chives
3 Rosemary
4 Arugula
2 Strawberry

When we got done planting, I though, gee, we could have planted more. Little did I know that our plants would EXPLODE!!! and now our space is too small. It used to be easy to weed, but now I can't even see the ground around our plants. We should have gone for the bigger space...but there's always next year.

We've gotten a few strawberries (the birds have gotten more than us), I've been cutting herbs for recipes, and we have little tomato and peppers growing. I go out there every day to check progress and pull a few weeds.

Here are some pictures:

Herb Garden

Veggies (tomatoes in the back, zucchini front right, cucumbers front left, peppers in the middle)


  1. I want a veggie garden too!! I have a brown thumb but I have this desire to grown my own organic veggies, spices etc.

    But for that I think I need to have my own house... *sigh*

    I am so glad that you can do this :-)

  2. It's been a learning process. I too have a brown thumb and kill numerous house plants. But, for some reason, the garden is flourishing. Come harvest time, I'm not sure what we're going to do with all the tomatoes.

  3. omg thats amazing! you have quite the green thumb! :)
