In my pregnancy I've been wanting to write things down and have them documented for me to look back on as a reference for later. I have yet to write down anywhere, including my "pregnancy journal" book that I have, some of the milestones I've experienced. I keep telling myself that I'll remember back to the exact date I had a positive pregnancy test, felt the baby's 1st movement, and how I'm feeling throughout this time. So I guess that picking it up half way through my pregnancy is a good place to start. So here goes:
How far along I am: 20 weeks
How I'm feeling: Good, except that I'm starting to get hungry ALL the time. I can't seem to eat enough. I have a snack, feel satisfied or full, then am starving 20-30 mins. later. And thirsty...SO thirsty.
How I feel about my body: Pretty good. So far no weight gain. My hips have gotten bigger and I have stretch marks up my thighs and hips. It's getting harder to bend over or forward to get things.
How the baby is doing: It's going to be a girl. We had our 20 week ultrasound on Friday and everything looked great. I've been feeling her bump around a lot in my stomach. I have felt her on the outside at least twice a day for the past 2 days. Mostly in the morning and evening. But today she kicked my hand when I was standing in line at the store. I keep having Jordan put his hands on my belly to try to feel, but he always gets there too late and she's done kicking.
How is Jordan doing? GREAT! He's getting more and more excited. He's very eager to feel the baby. He's so accommodating and attentive to my needs and goes out of his way to help around the house. He's also very understanding with my mood swings and has learned not to take things personally.
Cravings: Root beer floats and fruit. Right now I'm on a cherry kick. Last week it was clementines. Before that raw apples. And I HATE raw apples.
What I've done to prepare: We've gone to baby stores to get an idea of what we want as far as furniture, bedding, and other necessities. It's so overwhelming though! Last weekend we went and I made a list in the store of things we loved so that I could look them up online and check the ratings. Most of the things we like got great ratings so I'm happy.
The hardest thing is picking out bedding and decor that we both like. Jordan wants pink. I don't want to be consumed by pink. I like owls and whimsical woodland animals and I want something that she can grow into. I think I've found a set that I like that has pink, but also other colors.

We've cleaned out the guest room all except for the bed, some night stands, and a dresser. Jordan's cousin gave us all her daughter's old clothes. Her daughter is almost 2. We came home with 5 trash bags full of clothing, accessories, and shoes. It took me 4 full loads of laundry to wash it all and the closet is full with just the 0-6 month clothing. All the larger sizes we are going to box up for later. The only drawback is that her daughter was born in February and our daughter will be born in May. Most of the 0-3mo clothing is long sleeve and most the cute dresses are 6mo. Our daughter will be 6mo in Nov/Dec. so my plan is to put her in the dresses and put pants on underneath.
I've also started making some scrapbook pages for her album. I figured that it would be easier to get the pages done now so that all I have to do later is add pictures. So far I'm happy with how they're turning out. I've been crocheting a baby blanket too. I'll post pictures as soon as I get more done.
Oh Dawn!
ReplyDeleteI'm SO HAPPY you're doing this - primarily because I'm a creeper and I LOVE reading baby/pregnancy blogs.
Please keep posting and add pictures! If I remember correctly there are some REALLY cute ones of you from the past couple of weeks!
YAY!! Happy for you! It has been so long that I haven't seen you write anything! Welcome back :)