We completed our registries and it was rough. We registered at Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby. For those of you that do not know of Buy Buy Baby (BBB) it is a sister store of Bed Bath and Beyond. It is amazing and I love it way more than Babies R Us (BRU)
There's a brand new BBB that just opened near us and it is so clean and organized. I feel like their staff is more knowledgeable and the overall registry experience was nicer there. They gave us a nicer goody bag and bottled water. They have better coupons too. The only thing that sucks about BBB is that there aren't any stores where my side of the family lives. We had to put more things on the BRU list due to the fact that it has more locations.
We did one day at BRU (4 hours) and one day at BBB (2 hours). I was so proud of myself for getting through them in one setting each. It did get to the point where we were just scanning stuff at the end. Good thing I was able to go online and clean it up a bit.
This is Pineapple Man. Jordan saw him at the baby store and he had to bring him home. It's a pineapple that splits up into 4 sections. Inside is a pineapple seed that you can pull out on a string and then it vibrates back into place.
H&M had really cute stuff, but it was all winter stuff and I have enough winter stuff. The Gap didn't have a maternity selection at their store. Macy's maternity section was a poorly put together branch of Motherhood Maternity. All the clothes looked to be for older people with no social life. I'm talking huge ugly sweaters and horrible flower prints. So I left feeling deflated and pissed off.
We've bought almost everything for the nursery. We just have to clear furniture out of that room and paint it.
A lamp that goes with the set.
There's also the painting that was in my last post. We got wall decals that match and I'll be ordering a growth chart and window valances that are a part of the set as well. Since this is a set for a toddler or little girl, the sheets that come with the set are too big. I'll be cutting them up to make a dust ruffle for the crib.
Not much has changed since my last post. I've been having growing pains that past few days so I think another growth spurt is on the way. Jordan finally felt the baby kick on January 18th before bed. It was really a neat experience.
Here I am at about 8-9 weeks.
This is me at 20 weeks.
What a difference! And all my friends and family that have been pregnant before say that I'm still small and have a long way to go. AWESOME! I feel better every day and have fully embraced my pregnant self. I love my bump!
In non baby news:
We FINALLY finished the downstairs bathroom. I had painted it in the past 2 different times and just didn't like it. So it's been left unfinished until this past weekend. We bought some art for the walls and some storage furniture for the room. We painted it and put some knick knacks in it. I love being in there and looking at new room. Hopefully the nursery comes out just as good...or better.
In non baby news:
We FINALLY finished the downstairs bathroom. I had painted it in the past 2 different times and just didn't like it. So it's been left unfinished until this past weekend. We bought some art for the walls and some storage furniture for the room. We painted it and put some knick knacks in it. I love being in there and looking at new room. Hopefully the nursery comes out just as good...or better.
Yay! I can't believe you guys knocked your registry out on ONE day! Good job. And seriously, THANK GOD for online shopping/registry editing.
ReplyDeleteI love the little owl these you guys chose. It's ADORABLE. So is your bump. I'm continually happy for you guys, and totally fascinated.
Isn't getting the bathroom done AWESOME. When I finished our downstairs bath, I kept walking into it and hanging out in there to admire my work. Ha!