How far along: 31 weeks. I'm down to single digits in my countdown. 9 weeks left. 7 if I go early like my mom did. 11 if I carry to 42 weeks.
Weight gained: Only 8lbs. so far. 3.5 of them in the last 2 weeks! My Dr. said if I continue to gain at this pace then I have a good possibility of coming out under my pre-pregnancy weight after I give birth. Not too shabby.
Food Aversions: Not too much. Though I am now experiencing a loss of appitite. I'm hungry a lot, but nothing sounds good to eat. I find myself staring into our fridge and not being able to find anything that tastes good. I eat a lot of canned peaches and spaghetti o's.
Cravings: Ice cream. Lots and lots of it. I'm talking 2-3 bowls a day on some days. I can't help myself. It's just so creamy and sweet.
Body changes: I'm starting to sweat a lot. I'm hot all the time. I feel bad for Jordan cause he's cold most of the time and has to suffer. Still no stretch marks on my belly, though a few more have popped up on my hips. I'm getting more Braxton Hicks than I did before and my boobs leak more than they did in the past. I'm hoping this is a sign of good breastfeeding in my future. It's getting harder to be comfortable. When I stand for too long my hips ache. When I sit for too long my ribs hurt. And when I lay down it's harder to breathe and painful when I move my hips.
Baby changes: I feel her kick a lot more. The kicks have gotten stronger and, at some points, very painful. My ribs are in a constant state of soreness. I try to reposition her, but it doesn't work most of the time.
How we're preparing: I bought some cheap PJ's today that I plan on taking to the hospital. It's a matching set with a top that buttons all the way down. This will be good for breastfeeding and having skin-to-skin contact with baby in the hospital without having to remove too much clothing. We also start birthing and breastfeeding classes next week.
Baby name: We've been holding on to Madeline. We've been using it for a few weeks now and we haven't gotten tired of it yet. We need to settle on a spelling of it though. We want it pronounced Mad-a-lynn and not Mad-a-line.
What I'm looking forward to: I have my 1st of 2 baby showers this weekend in Indiana. It's with my side of the family. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, especially cause most of my family lives very far away.

Thanks to
ReplyDeleteMadilyn, Madelene, Madalyn, Madelynn, Madalynn, Madilynn, Madaline
Single digit countdown...CRAZY.