Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's in a Name?

So far this pregnancy has been pretty easy.
Getting pregnant was easy.
Pregnancy itself is fairly easy (minus the first 12 weeks or so).
Decorating the nursery was easy once we got a theme/colors
Baby registry was easy.

There is one thing, however, that has not come easy to us. And that is picking her name. I've known forever that her middle name will be Lucille. It's a family name and she'll be the 5th generation of the 1st born daughter in the family with that middle name. Lucille is my middle name, as well at my mom's, grandma's and great grandma's. Hopefully our daughter will name her 1st born daughter Lucille and the tradition will carry on.

When we found out I was growing a girl, I came up with a running list of names I liked. Names that I had liked before I was pregnant and names that I added as I heard/saw them. The ones is bold are the ones we've narrowed it down to.

Grace Lucille<---I like Grace more as a middle name

Mary Lucille<---Mary was my dad's mom's name. It's an old name and a classic. No one else likes this name which makes me like it a little more. Jordan's family doesn't like it at all. I think because it's a very Catholic name. I'm Catholic and he's not. I think his family might fear I'm trying to push my religious values on him. Which I'm not. I'm not very religious at all. It doesn't have a nickname, but we could call her Mary Lu.

Olivia Lucille<---LOVE this name. However, it's the #2 name in our state right now. I don't want her to be one of 2-4 Olivia's in her class. Because the name is so popular I don't want her to be referred to as "adjective" Olivia. Brown haired Olivia? Tall Olivia? Olivia with the big eyes? We like the name Ollie and Olive for nicknames but HATE Liv and Livvie.

Emilia Lucille<---I just like the sound of it. Other than that it holds no special meaning to me. I would choose this spelling over Amelia because I wouldn't want her to be called Amy for short. Emmy is better.

Hannah Lucille<---It's an older name. Jordan doesn't like the whole "Hannah Montana" thing but I told him that that's not really relevant anymore.

Evelyn Lucille<---Same feeling towards this name as Emelia

Alice Lucille<---Not sure if I like this one as much as I did.

Marian Lucille<---I go from loving this name to not liking it at all. Red flag? If we named her this then we'd call her Mary for short. Also might get his family to like this better than Mary.

Madeleine Lucille<---Starting to grow on me. Jordan and I were going to try out baby names on a week to week basis. This one wasn't even on the list and he called her this and I loved it. Fate? Our friends have a dog named Maddie so that might make us cut this name as the nickname would be Maddie. I'm sure our child will out live the dog though. (Sorry Shley)

I also love LOVE the names Fiona and Emma. Sadly I named my dogs Fiona and Emma when I was SURE that I wasn't going to have children.

I'm so envious of parents that just pick a name. Or the ones that have had a name picked forever. I so want to have that kind of, what, luck? Assurance? A love for a name so much that I KNOW deep in my soul that I want to call my child it for the rest of their life?

With less than 12 weeks left I'm really starting to get worried that we won't have a name before she arrives. Jordan's in no hurry to name her though. He's even suggested we wait to see her before we name her. I'm fine with this, but I'm scared that I'll name her one of the names I like on a whim (Like Evelyn or Alice) and then she'll be stuck with a name that means nothing and I hate.

A name is forever. I feel like it could make or break a child. It could set her up for success or failure. She could have a miserable time in school and get picked on or made fun of because what we choose to call her. This is totally stressing me out. I told Jordan that we need to pick a name and stick to it and that will be that. Until I hear something better and start questioning myself all over again.


  1. Dawn, you're funny!
    I think that names COULD make or break a child - if their name is something RIDONKULOUS, like Mulva. ALL of the names you have listed are beautiful and she'll be happy to have it.

    My unsolicited opinion: I LOVE the sound of Marian Lucille. It's so pretty, and classic and elegant.

    Mike likes the name Maggie for a child, but I've already vetoed it because I can't imagine having a dog named Maddie AND a potential child named Maggie in the same house. In your case, baby trumps pooch.

  2. I don't think you should stress about her name at all. When I was in nursing school... there were a handful of parents who waited until they met their baby to pick their name. Some even waited a day or two (so their baby was named "Baby [insert last name here}" until they picked the name. They usually had a list of names in mind, but some people like to look their baby in the eye before they choose a name. So, you have time. No rush. Maybe you'll be one of those mothers who won't know until the moment you meet your little girl.

  3. oh and... I love Mary Lucille or Marian Lucille... because her nickname could be Mary Lu or Mari Lu. SO cute.

    They really are cute names... I also like Evelyn.

    Not that my opinion matters. :)

  4. Have you tried posting this on BBC for some ideas? Girls on there love to reply with comments and suggestions.

  5. Hi, I just tried looking for the meaning of my name and I came across this blog. I didn't know that my name is the second famous name in your state now. I would hear my name everywhere when I visit your place? LOL. No matter what's the name of your baby, I hope she's healthy. Nice blog! :)

    -Olivia Lucille
