Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Long List

Jordan and I sat down last night and each made a list of things we want or need to accomplish before the baby gets here. Each is list is long. We're running out of time and this makes me extremely nervous.

My list -- This means it's done
  • Find a pediatrician - I've made some calls and am in the process of setting up meet and greets
  • Write birth plan - draft is done
  • Paint the dresser for the nursery. Thank goodness my dad is sending my his paint sprayer.
  • Sort and return some baby gifts.
  • Buy baby items that we still need
  • Pack hospital bag
  • Sew the crib skirt -- it came out SO nice!
  • Sew the curtain tie backs
  • Sew the car seat cover -- I bought one instead
  • Belly cast at week 37
  • Maternity pictures taken at Dole Mansion next week
  • Write final thank you notes
  • Draft e-mail for friends and family for when after the baby comes
  • Get Fiona her shots
  • Put together shower gifts
  • Wash new baby clothes -- Since I have so many clothes already I'm holding off on washing all the new stuff just in case she comes out a he. I have washed all the wet pads, changing pad cover, white onesies, and other gender neutral things.
Jordan's List
  • Check some wires in the attic
  • Install smoke alarm in nursery
  • Finish reading "Be Prepared. A Practical Handbook for New Dads"
  • Finish some tax thing
  • Open college fund
  • Fix our closet
  • Finish baby closet
  • Hang shelves and art in nursery
  • Install car seat
  • Help me with my list
I can honestly say that I am more stressed out after looking at this. I am so thankful and lucky that I am able to be home to work on these things. We have anywhere from 3 to 7 weeks to get all this done. I know this might seem like plenty of time, but with my unpredictable energy levels and limited mobility it's getting tough to work things out. I plan on picking a few things each day and working on removing them from the list.

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