Weight Gained: 12 pounds
Dr. Says: Everything's looking good. Not dilated yet. She gave me signs to watch out for labor and when I should go to the hospital. I'm seeing her every week now.
How I Feel: Like a blimp. Moving is awkward and uncomfortable. I've been sleeping better but I'm tired more throughout the day.
Cravings: Water. I'm super thirsty all the time.
Aversions: None really
How Jordan's Holding Up: He's stressed out about his list. He's added a lot more to it and seems to add 2 more things for everything he's checked off. When I tell him there's 3 1/2 weeks left his eyes change and he looks a little freaked out. We continue to talk about how things will change and what we're looking forward to after the baby comes.
Completed Projects:
- Changing table/dresser: We had picked up this dresser off Craig's List for $100. It's all wood and really nice. I had sanded and painted it and moved it into the nursery. Then the paint started peeling off it. I cried. Really, I cried. I had a melt down. We moved the dresser to the garage where I stripped all the paint off and sanded it to the bare wood. I primed and painted it again. It's back up in the nursery. If the paint peels again the dresser is going out the window.
- Crib Skirt: I'm so proud of myself for completing this project. It was my 1st time sewing ruffles and it turned out amazing!
- Baby gear: I've put together all the baby gear including bouncy seat, swing, pack and play, co-sleeper, 2 strollers, high chair, jumparoo. It's invaded our whole house.
- Helped Jordan fill in the pool hole: We filled it in and planted it last year, but it settled so much that we've had to do it again. So far we've put 3200 pounds of soil on the spot. We're waiting for it to rain to see how much it settles and how much more dirt we need.
Want to Know Something Strange that's Probably TMI? My boobs leak when I do crafts for the baby. Doesn't matter if it's scrapbooking, making headbands or hair bows, or sewing a crib skirt. It happens every time. It freaks me out.
Strange Pains: I've been getting what I like to call "Charlie horse of the crotch." It's like when you get a Charlie horse, but in the crotch. It wakes me up at night. I get Charlie horses in my calves while I sleep about once a week too. I've also had a pulled muscle in my left hip/butt cheek for weeks! It makes putting on pants or shoes standing up very hard to do.
Here are some photos from a maternity shoot that Lauren Murphy took.

Only 12 lbs! Woohoo! You're doing great! I hope that dresser stops peeling paint. I also saw the Derby pics, and Jordan's suit looked awesome. While I'm sad you're not dilated yet, you obviously still have another week before you're full term. Even so, you can go from no dilating one day to labor the next. I'm secretly hoping you do labor related activities sometime during the weekend, so I can be there. Ry and I can't believe you're due this month. Crazy!