The nursery is 100% done! Everything is set up and ready for the baby. However, every time I go in there to look around or adjust something, I have to vacuum and dust it again. I vacuum in there every other day, if not every day. I can't explain why. For some reason my brain screams at me that the room must be PERFECT so that when I bring her home it's clean and ready.
The same goes for the rest of the house. I walk around tidying, dusting, sweeping, and obsessing over every little thing that gets moved out of place. The vacuum is attached to me and I carry it everywhere. When I do laundry I actually put the clothes away instead of leaving them folded in the laundry room (then wipe everything down and do the floors). I've pulled out everything in every cabinet and cupboard and reorganized and cleaned it. I've been purging things we don't use. My pile for the Goodwill is growing into a mountain. If I haven't used it since we've moved in then I want it gone. The garage is cleaned and reorganized and I've just given the basement another overhaul: purging and cleaning and reorganizing.
My house is spotless. The Pope could eat off my floors and drink from my toilet. Yet I still find myself dealing with this obsession. I want to bring my daughter home to a clean house. I don't want to be sitting in the hospital worrying about coming home to a mess. The last thing I want is to walk through the front door with my newborn and feel like I have to clean. I feel that by keeping my house in a constant state of cleanliness it helps to calm my nerves and help me relax a bit. At this point, every form of stress relief helps.

i wish i could hire you to help me out with some of my cleaning. i can't ever seem to find the time (and will) to get down to doing it!