Here's our story:
We met in October 2004 at a Halloween party at his fraternity house. I had seen him up there a few times and thought he was cute. My friend was in the same rush class as Jordan so I asked him to introduce us. I was dressed as Zorro. Jordan was dressed as a Russian rap artist. After the introduction we hung out for a bit. Since Jordan's costume consisted of a big furry hat and sunglasses, I remember wondering if he was the same guy I had had my eye on. We exchanged numbers and the next day I called him to see if he wanted to go to another Halloween party with me. He did.
For 3 nights after the Halloween holiday we watched movies on the couch. It took him 3 dates to kiss me. I'm kind of glad for that. On our 1st real date we want to the movies to see Saw 1. We were pretty much attached after that. We mostly hung out at my place. I'd cook him dinner and then we'd watch movies. Since I had an apartment and he still lived in the dorms he spent the night almost every night. It's fun to remember him, me, and my yellow lab, Emma, all squeezing in my little twin bed every night.
After college I moved to Georgia for a culinary apprenticeship. It was a 3 year program. Jordan would come visit every month or so. In February I flew out to attend his fraternity's formal. Through the whole dinner I could see the ring box in his pocket. After dinner he got on one knee, sung me a song, and proposed. I said yes. I flew back to GA with a shiny new ring on my finger and the constant urge to move back home to be with him. I quit the apprenticeship after a year and moved to Indianapolis.
Jordan still had one year left in school so I worked planned the wedding while he finished. Indy was only an hour away from Purdue so we saw each other almost every weekend. In 2008 Jordan graduated and a week later we got married. We took a 3 week honeymoon in Europe. It was amazing. After that we moved in with my mom and waited for Jordan to work out his employment with his current job. Once he was hired we moved in with his parents to save for our house.
We bought our house a few days before Christmas in 2009. We moved in on New Year's Day. I got pregnant in August of 2010.
The last 3 years have been a whirlwind. It's so amazing to look back on it all. I feel so blessed that all these good things have happened to us. Jordan's job will allow me to stay home with the baby. We have a nice house. Our health is great and we have amazing support from our families and a good circle of friends. And soon a baby.
My husband and I are more in love than ever. And for that, I feel the most lucky.
Happy Anniversary!!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously. How time flies! 2009 seems SO far away now.
Remember when we first met? You visited U of I for Halloween? Or was it NYE? Didn't you and Jordan sleep in his car?
And your wedding! It seems so long ago, but it wasn't! Even Lauren/Jeff's wedding seems so long ago!
It was NYE. I remember going to U of I with Jordan. Yeah we slept in the car and it was FREEZING! I remember Elise, but not too much else. She was giving me the stink eye all night.
ReplyDeleteTime is flying. Three years: Marriage, house, baby! EEK! The older I get the faster it seems to go. I can't imagine how fast it's going to go once the baby comes.
Your anniversary is coming up soon too yes? Within the next week?
NYE! God, Elise. That bitch.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, time is flying by so fast it's actually scary.
Yep! It'll be two years on the 30th - the day before baby's due date!