Monday, February 28, 2011

The Cleaning Bug

I used to be able to live in clutter up to a point where was no spot to set something. Our house wasn't dirty, just messy. The kind that only takes 10-15 minuets to put away. The kind of messy you can quickly clean if guests are coming over. Jordan and I would normally wake up on Saturdays and, after having breakfast, de-clutter, pick up, and vacuum.

For the past 2-3 months this has been totally unacceptable to me. I feel like if there is one or 2 things out of place then all chaos will break out. I have found that by getting rid of the clutter, my mind is more at peace. I feel more relaxed and not so tightly wound. I pick less fights with my husband and am less likely to emotionally erupt if my house is tidy.

On Friday I woke up with SO much energy which is super rare for me. I'm not sure if it's the extra iron pill or HUGE cutback on sweets (both recommended by my Dr. when I complained about serious exhaustion). Anyways....I woke up and went down stairs to notice that my house was in a complete state of disarray. Actually, it was pretty decent, however my brain freaked and I had to clean.

I walked around the whole house gathering things that were out of place and putting them away.

I deep cleaned all the bathrooms.

I deep cleaned the kitchen, including: bleaching the sinks (they're white and get REALLY stained and gross) I removed all the stove burner things and washed them by hand then put them in the dishwasher. I cleaned all the stainless steel.

I took up all the rugs in the house and washed them. MISTAKE! One green rug bled all over my white ones so I later ran to the store to replace the stained ones.

I vacuumed the floors and stairs. Polished the wood floors.

-----Side Note-----
We sold the bedroom set from the guest room. We then used the cash we got from that to buy a carpet steam cleaner!!!

I steam cleaned all the carpets down stairs. I was going to do the up stairs, but at that point I was too tired and scared to carry that huge thing up the stairs.

I dusted and polished all the wood furniture.

Then....THEN.....I took a shower, put on jammies, and basked in my clean house. It was so nice. So fresh. So spotlessly clean!

After a weekend of errands, having friends over, and other household projects and general laziness, my house is once again messy. The wood is still shiny and the carpets cleaned. But the clutter. THE CLUTTER.

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