Friday, June 17, 2011

On My Own

Today is the 1st day that I'll be completely alone with my child all day. Up until now I've have someone around to keep me company or help me out.

Jordan took 2 weeks off when we had her. He went back to work last Wednesday. My mom visited last Wednesday until Saturday. Jordan was home all weekend. I've had visitors every day this week until today. It really gave me something to look forward to. A reason to keep the house clean. Now I find myself sitting here, watching her sleep in her swing, wondering what to do with her and myself.

I'd love to go out and window shop. However, I usually only have an hour and a half to run my errands before she wakes up and wants to eat. To be honest, it's not worth getting her around and having to rush through my "fun" before she wakes up. I'm counting down the days until we can introduce a bottle. I'll be able go shopping and get groceries without feeling like it's a marathon or a race against the clock. Jordan's looking forward to feeding her so it will be a win/win.

Not only will giving her a bottle free me up, it will also allow Jordan and I to have some free time. There's some movies coming out this summer that I want to see. We have 2 sets of grandparents and lots of friends that have offered to lend their babysitting services. And we do plan on taking full advantage of them.

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