Saturday, June 25, 2011

One Month

Yesterday Madilynn turned one month old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone and how big she's gotten. I see her changing every day. Although I'm glad she's getting bigger and stronger, I still sometimes wish that she would stay small forever.

Weight: She now weighs 8lb. 12oz. That's a 2lb. 5oz. increase.

Height: Though the nurses at the hospital measured her at 20.25 inches, she was really only 18 inches long. She's now back up to 20.25 inches. An increase of 2.25 inches.

Body: She's lost the newborn curl. She stretches her legs out longer and carries them away from her body. Her cheeks have plumped out. Her thighs are getting bigger and chubbier too. Her hair is getting longer and darker in some spots. She also has a pretty bad case of baby acne. It's been making its way around her face for a few weeks now and has spread to the back of her neck and down her chest. It's so annoying. I wish it was gone and her smooth, soft skin was back. Dr. said there's nothing you can do to remedy it, so we just have to wait for it to take its course.

Eating: She's a breastfeeding champ! She's a fast and efficient eater, taking less than 10 minuets to nurse. My nipples are still a little sore and it's uncomfortable when she finishes her meal and uses me as a pacifier to soothe herself. I'm still building my stash in the freezer. We introduced one bottle this week. She took it without really putting up a fight. I'll admit I was a little sad that she didn't "need" me to eat. Jordan really enjoyed feeding her though.

Sleeping: She's still sleeping in her co-sleeper. On a "normal" night she'll fall asleep between 8:30 and 10:00. I usually leave her downstairs with Jordan and go up to bed for some alone time. I get to read a bit, but usually end up passing out, book in hand. Jordan brings her up around midnight and I feed her while he gets ready for bed. Then he changes and swaddles her and puts her to bed. She wakes up between 2 and 4 (and on a REALLY good night 4:30-5:00), and then again 2 hours later. Some days we get up at 6:00, but most days I get her to fall asleep for another hour or 2 before we wake up for real.

Crying: We have been blessed with a good baby. She only cries when she is hungry, needs a fresh diaper, or needs a burp, to fart, or poop. Sometimes she'll fuss when she's tired and wants to be held before she takes her afternoon naps. In that case I lay her on my chest until I can transfer her to the swing. I occasionally put her in the Moby Wrap if I'm busy around the house. Other than that she really doesn't cry.

Playing: She's awake more often and for longer periods of time. She likes to lay on her play mat and look at the hanging toys and mirror. We also have an accordion book with black and white images on it that we put up for her to look at. We also read to her. She LOVES her Look Look Books. We do tummy time, but not as often as we should.

My Favorite: The mornings are my favorite time of day. She wakes up, eats, then it's time to stretch. I undo her swaddle and she lifts up her arms and stretches out her legs and does full body stretches. She grunts and smiles and is wide awake. She's always in a great mood. We lay in bed she looks around, smiles at me, coos, and kicks her legs and waves her arms around. We do tummy time. When she's done stretching, I take her to her room and wipe her face, give her the vitamin D drops, change her diaper and dress her for the day. I just love that she's always in a great mood in the morning. It puts me in a good mood. Her smiles and coos melt my heart and it's a great start to the day.

My Not Favorite: Sometimes I feel like I am trapped in the house all day. Jordan goes off to work and I'm here, hanging out with Madilynn. And, although I love her dearly, she's not one to hold much of a conversation. She totally runs the show and dictates what I get done, when I can eat, when and where I go, and what I do. It's so nice when visitors stop by to break up the monotony. Also, my neighbor is a teacher and has the summer off so we get together and have adult conversations. It really helps with my sanity.

How am I doing? Pretty good. I'm generally in good moods and have good days. My stress level is still very high, especially in new situations with the baby. I still don't like to take her to the grocery store for big trips. I went to dinner with a friend and Madilynn slept through the whole meal. It was great. Though I'm getting better with it, I'm still nervous when people stop to look at her and ask me questions about her.

Jordan: Still doing good. I think he feels a little left out at times. The other night I had just fed Madilynn and gave her to him to burp. She didn't burp and he was just holding her when she started wailing. He didn't know what was wrong. I said, "She needs burped. That's her burp cry." He said he tried burping her and that she didn't need to burp. I told him to try it again and, sure enough, as soon as he put her on his shoulder, she burped and stopped crying. He asked me how I knew that's what she needed and I told him that I could tell by her cry. I think he felt bad that he didn't know right away and that I did. That he doesn't know her different cries. That he's missing out because he has to work and I stay home with her.

So, things are going well. We have a happy and healthy baby. Jordan and I are still doing great together and we make a good team.


  1. I was kind of curious about your take on visitors --specifically me. :D

    I know you're cooped up there everyday taking care of M, but if I come I'm usually with B. I just don't want to be a bother or make you feel like you need to entertain me. I also don't want to bring a needy baby over when all you want is an escape from babies. Mondays are a great day for me to socialize, but I know you like to run errands on Mondays. So yeah, I don't know what to do. I would prefer more company and time with you obviously but don't want to overstep.

  2. I would love the company. It's not so much the quiet or escaping babies, it's having someone to talk to that talks back to me. I've been grocery shopping on Sundays with Jordan. The only thing I really do on Mondays is laundry. We should start hanging out on Mondays.
