What's New?
She's sleeping through the night most nights. We've started a bedtime routine. Bath, massage with lotion, jammies, swaddle, feeding, and then snuggles until she passes out. This routine takes about 30 minuets total. We're working on getting her to bed earlier and earlier so that Jordan and I can spend more alone time together. So far, so good.
TONS of smiles! She smiles when I smile at her. Most of the time we can get her to smile by tickling her or making funny noises.
Giggles. She's giggled at me 3 times. I was over the moon! It's the sweetest sound I've ever heard in my whole life.
She's totally holding her head up. Sometimes it will flop, but she regains control quickly. She likes to be help upright so she can see everything. She LOVES the TV. She likes the noises and bright moving light. We're not too strict about limiting her TV time. It's not like we prop her up in front of it and walk away. But, we don't freak out if she looks at it when we're watching movies or whatever.
What's Old:
She's still just nursing or taking breast milk.
She still hates tummy time.
What We're Working On:
She still needs to be swaddled to sleep. This is getting rough because she's almost outgrown her large size swaddles and they don't make bigger sizes. She's also still sleeping in her swing. We're going to start putting her in her bouncy chair (that will ween her off the movement of the swing since it doesn't move, but still keep her elevated) and then into her co-sleeper. She takes naps laying flat on her back in her pack and play, so that's helping as well.

She's so beautiful!
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