"Oh, you'll want/have more." <--- Really? I will? I didn't know you were psychic.
"Babies are so fun and cute! I want tons of babies!!!" <----- You obviously have no babies.
"But she'll need someone to play with."< ------ I'm sure she'll make many friends at school
"But I want more grand babies.<----- Uhhh...Neither Jordan nor I are only children.
"You'll change your mind when Madilynn gets a little bigger.< ----- Here's the kicker. The one that gets me every time.
I know this might sound bad, but if Madilynn was born a boy then I would totally be down for a 2nd child. If I knew, 100%, that my next child would be a boy, I'd be all for it. I don't want 2 girls. Girls are emotional and mean. They want to dress up and play pretend. That's not my bag. I like to be outside. I like sports. I had an older brother and mostly guy friends growing up. I just feel like I relate more to guys. I'm just now, at 27, starting to get into clothes and hair and all that. I feel more feminine now than I ever have. Two boys I could handle. But 2 girls? And, trust me, deep down I know if I got pregnant again it would be a girl.
It makes more sense, financially, to have one child. That's only one car when they turn 16, one college tuition, one wedding (again with the girl thing). When we take vacations, it's only 1 extra ticket. It would be cheaper to dine out, see movies and go to amusement parks.
I just got over a cold and have just had a mild bout of.... food poisoning? stomach bug? whatever...have just thrown up multiple times. I had to call Jordan home to help with the baby because I was dizzy and light headed and couldn't walk without getting the spins. I was scared to pick up the baby. Laying in bed with her fussing while I waited for Jordan to get home was AWFUL. All I wanted was to lay in a dark, cold, quiet room. And guess who wanted to eat (twice) and blew out her diaper while waiting for Dad to get home. This takes me back to the days when I had constant morning sickness. And I remember, on a particularly bad day of morning sickness, wondering what I would do if I had a toddler to take care of. I could barely make it through the hour and a half it took Jordan to get home from work. How would I manage 13 weeks of constant sick, with another, demanding person to take care of?
And then there's the guilt. I want to give Madi everything. All my love and attention. I don't want her to be jealous of a new sibling. I don't want to have to spread myself too thin. I would feel bad for both children that I couldn't give them my 100%.
And Madilynn is SUCH a good baby. She hardly ever cries and is almost sleeping though the night. I just know our 2nd child would be a terror. You don't win the lotto twice, my friend.
However, if we had another child, Madilynn would have a sibling to grow up and play with. Jordan and I wouldn't be her only source of entertainment. We could have one kid mowing while the other one did dishes. Now that sounds nice. We would have, possibly, more grandchildren to enjoy in our old age. And more than one child to burden when we get sick and feeble and need someone to take care of us.
I asked Jordan the other day, "In your heart of hearts, do you think we'll have another child?" He said yes. He wants another child. Hands down he does. I asked him if he would feel unfulfilled, like he'd be missing out, if we only had one child. He said no. So who am I to take away his dreams of having the family he wants? What about what I want?
I know it's WAY too early to even be thinking about this. But the thought is brought to my attention every now and then. I can't help but try to look into my future and figure out which steps to take to get where we're going.

I totally, TOTALLY see where you're coming from. Obviously, I have no baby, but occasionally I think that it would be SO MUCH easier to only have one.
ReplyDeleteBut then I think about my life, and how I am SO happy I have my sisters, and Mike has this amazing full family, too, and it makes me second guess everything again.
Like you said, it is WAY early, and who knows, Madi could one day come up and ask for a sibling!
I love that you put so much thought into things going on in your life. If Madi is your one and only, you have many great reasons for that. If you end up with more, it will come with plenty of time and reflection. Unfortunately for women, we get the standard questions all the time growing up. When we have a bf, we're asked about marriage. When we're engaged, we're asked about a date. When we're married, we're asked about kids. When we have one, we're asked about siblings. I don't know what it actually stops? Maybe it transfers onto the kids, so they can be repeatedly asked how old they are, how much they've grown, or what they learned each day... These questions are nauseating.
ReplyDeleteI totally get what you're saying about the girl stuff too. I'm afraid if I have a girl that she won't be dressed up enough or girly enough for everyone because I don't know what I'm doing. I grew up with boys. It was phrased best the other day with my aunt, "I want a girl, but a boy would be much more convenient."
I wrote a long comment last night but it looks like I forgot to post it. Damn it.
ReplyDelete@Shley: Looking back on my childhood I am reminded of the fun I had with my brother. It got even better in high school when we kept each other's secrets and teamed up against our parents. I would really like Madi to have all that fun. However, my mom was stressed out and tired from having to work, raise children, and run a household. Now, I know I don't work, but I might have to in order to make ends meet with a 2nd child.
ReplyDelete@Steph: It is the age-old question of "What's next?" It's super hard to come up with a response when I don't know the answers myself. And people just don't seem satisfied with "I don't know."
I totally get stressed out when it comes to dressing my daughter when I take her out or have people over. I want her to look cute and put together by putting her in dresses and adorable outfits. However, she's totally uncomfortable and fusses more when she's in them. Dresses ride up and her belly hangs out. With it being summertime, homes and stores are cooler with the AC on and she gets chilly with so much skin exposed. She's most comfortable in footed jams, but I feel like people will peg me as a slob or lazy if I dress her in them in public or social events. So I'm stuck with putting her in something cute, then changing her into jammies when she gets too cold or fussy.