She likes her milk fresh. If she had it her way she would only take milk from the breast. This, however, is not going to happen. There are times when I need to be away from Madilynn. Like to sleep on the weekends. Or to go shopping. Or to just have time alone.
She will take a bottle, but she's very particular about it. It has to be right from the fridge and heated. It cannot have been sitting out for any length longer than 30ish minuets or she deems it inedible. This means we waste a lot of milk.
Since I breastfeed, I don't have any clue as to how much she eats per meal. So, when Jordan fixes her a bottle, he's pretty much blind as to how much to make. If he makes too little then he has to make another bottle. This pisses Madilynn off since she wants her milk NOW. He also runs the risk of her falling back asleep or of her just forgetting she's hungry and not wanting the 2nd bottle. If he makes too much then then unused milk hits the drain. Sure, reheated milk is good for 4-6 hours, but our daughter will not have it.
And then there's the whole nipple issue. Standard nipples are too long for her and she gags on them. She doesn't like the shape of orthodontic nipples, which are too long for her anyways. She likes a specific nipple, the MAM. Which is only available at local stores if you buy MAM bottles. Which are expensive. And we already have enough bottles that the nipples will fit on to. We have to buy the MAMs on online.
All this is banking on that she'll even take a bottle. She's gone on bottle strikes in the past when she refuses the bottle. Even with fresh milk. Even with her favorite nipple. Even when I tried pumping the milk and having Jordan give it to her still warm and boob fresh. She has very specific tastes and wants.
Hopefully we'll nail it down to a science soon so that we can stop wasting money on nipples and bottles. And so we can stop pouring the "liquid gold" down the sink.

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