Sleeping: We always get at least 4 straight hours and have been getting more nights of 5.5 hours. We've even gotten a 6 hour night or two.
Eating: Still exclusively breastfeeding. I have my days where I am irked by breastfeeding. When it's annoying and tedious. Most days, though, I really enjoy feeding her and the bond we share is awesome.
Playing: She's awake more during the day so we get to play more. I have her pack and play set as a play gym with hanging toys and rattles. She likes looking at them and "talking" to them. She really likes looking in the mirror that in there too. We try to do tummy time but she hates it.
Physical Changes: She's getting stronger neck muscles and lifting her head more. I'm hoping that in a few weeks she's able to hold her head up completely on her own. She's gaining weight and getting chubby. Her thighs are super chunky and cute. She smiles a LOT on her own and sometimes we can get her to smile by interacting with her.
The Good: My favorite time of day with her is still the mornings. She's just so happy and alert. She smiles and coos at me and it's so wonderful. She still hardly cries unless she's hungry.
The Bad: She's starting to do this thing where she fusses and cried right before falling asleep. She's fine to fall asleep on you, but as soon as we put her down she wails. It's hard to just let her cry, but it's over in a minuet or 2 and she passes out.
Madilynn also got her 1st round of vaccinations on Friday. It was horrible. I had to hold her hands down when they stuck her. I've never seen her cry so hard in my life and it made me tear up. I was able to calm her down very quickly. She fussed most of the night and then slept from 8:30pm til 5:00am. So she pretty much slept it off, which the Dr. said could happen.
The Ugly: She's been spitting up more. It's super gross. And sometimes she'll go a day or 2 without pooping. So then when she does poop it's a lot and disgusting.
How I feel: Most days are good. Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped inside a box with no exit. Sometimes I can't wait for Jordan to get home so that I can hand her off and get some time to myself. I got to go shopping alone this weekend and it was great. I was only gone for about 3.5 hours and I found myself missing my family terribly. I also got the chance to go to a movie with a girlfriend and that was wonderful as well. Don't get me wrong. I love my family and enjoy spending time with them. But there's some days when I feel totally overwhelmed and just need to get away for a bit. Even if it's going upstairs and hanging out in my craft room or catching up on DVR'ed shows for an hour. It really helps to recharge my batteries for the next day.
I've been going to a breastfeeding meetup group at the hospital once a week. It's so nice to meet with other moms and talk and have adult conversations with. Whose eyes don't glaze over when you talk about poop and sleep and spit-up. Or what baby-wearing method works best for you. And it's nice to have a reason to shower, put on makeup and descent clothes. I look forward to it every week.
Jordan: Wonderful. He's so good about letting me get some time to myself. He likes it too cause he can watch movies with Madilynn that I have no interest in watching. He can play video games without me complaining. He loves the one on one time he gets with the baby too.
So far, so good. We just keep rolling right along. I'm still relishing this tiny human that I share my life with. Each day is something new and wonderful.

I saw in one of your pics that she is HOLDING her head up! That's AMAZING. And 11lbs - she's almost not terrifying to me anymore! She's getting durable!!
ReplyDeleteMore durable indeed. She gets better at it every day.
ReplyDeleteCome over and see her any time!