Sunday, April 24, 2011

Update: 34 weeks

How far along: Just ending my 34th week.

Total weight gained: 10lbs.

How I feel: I've been living my life in a constant state of ache. Mostly my hips and back. When sitting down I can't lean forward to reach anything. It's also getting hard to bend over to pick things up.

Sleep: Not enough. I normally wake up for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night. It's super hard to get comfortable and impossible to stay comfortable. Between frequent bathroom breaks and aching hips, sleep is a luxury.

Baby Movement: I love to feel her move. It never gets old. Since she's getting bigger, she's pushing harder on my bladder and ribs. It's super hard not to pee your pants when you get a bladder punch. The worse is when she uses her feet against my ribs to push her head into my bladder.

Dr Says: Baby is measuring perfectly!

Cravings: Vanilla coke. I found out that at Meijer you can add as much vanilla syrup to any $0.99 fountain drink. I was frequenting the soda machine so much that I bought a $0.99 cup and filled it just with vanilla syrup to take home. It filled up 2 Mason jars in the fridge. The syrup, along with a 12 pack of Coke, has kept me a happy woman. I know it's not ethical, but hey, I have needs.

Aversions: Sometimes meat. I'll have a few bites of a steak or chicken and then be repulsed by it. It's rare that this happens, but when it does it ruins my dinner.

Jordan: Continues to be supper supportive. We spend more time talking and fantasizing about the baby. We're trying to take advantage of the last few weeks we have alone together. We went to the movies on Friday and have a few more fun outings planned.

Preparations: We've had all our showers and have gotten most of the things we need. Everything is organized and put away. We still need a few things and I'm looking forward to using our gift money and gift cards to buy them. We only have one more week of birth class and Jordan is finishing up his Handbook for New Dads.

Looking Forward To: Picking up the last few items. Putting together large items. Weekly Dr. appointments (though not looking forward to pelvic exams). Finishing up final touches on nursery. Belly cast. And, of course, meeting our baby.

Jordan and I before our shower

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