Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life Update

So Madilynn is over 5 months old now and so much has changed.  She's in complete control of her head and neck and loves looking around and taking everything in.  She is bearing weight on her legs and loves to stand up with help.  She's rolling front to back most times.  She's found her feet and loves to pull and suck on her socks.  But, the biggest thing, is that she's almost sitting unassisted.  She corrects herself when she tips too far to one side and can sit on her own for extended lengths of time.   From what I hear, this is a bit advanced as most babies don't do this until 6 months.

We celebrated Halloween.  She dressed up as a pumpkin and we went trick or treating with her friend, Brycen, and his parents.  Though we only went around the block, she was able to collect a lot of candy for Jordan and me.

We have her eating some solid foods now.  So far she's only had butternut squash, oatmeal, apples, and sweet potatoes.  She's learning that that she can clamp her mouth shut and twist her head to avoid the spoon.  She often ends up wearing more than she eats.  We've been exposing her bottles more and last weekend she took a full bottle when I went shopping with my mom.

We've been having problems with diapers for the last month or so.  She's too big for size 2 and too small for size 3.  Every time she poops she blows it out of her diaper.  I end up having to change her clothing 2-5 times a day now.  It's really frustrating, not to mention stinky.  It's really a downer to have to wash her swing, car seat cover, sheets and clothes all the time.  And, since she's eating solids, her poop stains.  So now everything has to be pre-treated before the wash in hopes that the stains come out.

She's sleeping in her crib at night which is really nice.  She still wakes up 1-3 times a night to eat, but that is happening less and less.  I'm really hoping that she starts sleeping through the night soon.

I've been applying for some jobs and I'm hoping to get back to work soon.  Jordan's mom agreed to watch Madilynn a few days a week.  I'd really like to work in the bakery of the new Fresh Market that's opening in our area.  I went in for an interview and it seems promising.

I'm still making hats and I've made a nice chunk of money doing so.  It keeps me busy during the day while Madi is asleep.

Jordan is working for a new company now as well.  I was worried that the company that took over would fire all the existing employees but they're not going to do so.  In fact, they saying that they have a 4-6 year job security which really puts my mind at rest.

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